Saturday, September 09, 2006

I'm off to Bedfordshire

Bedford in the summer is a very pretty place around the edges. The middle still is suffering from the 60's and 70's architecture. Bedford has become a mini Poland, since the country's membership of the EU. This has resulted in a wonderful new dimension to the town's colourful history which has seen many twists and turns throughout the years. It's role has changed over the years, the rebellion of the Lord which resulted in the destruction of Bedford Castle, the reaction to the english civil war and the haven created for the BBC and a Polish regiment during World War Two.
Of course roughly a mile to the east of the town centre is Aylesbury Road, not a road to Aylesbury but part of an estate with many pretty trees and some well kept bungalows and semi detached family houses. Also there is Aylesbury Court, a 70's block of flats that still seems to be kept in good condition.
Nearby, Italian style cafe serves good food at reasonable prices; just the place to grab some breakfast. The best joke I heard all day, although quite lame, was a lady sitting in a wheelchair with her husband by a bench. Another old lady sat down and asked the lady in the wheelchair "have you got a parking ticket for that?". Both laugh.

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