Edmund: Good morning, Your Majesty. Christmas again, eh? What joy. [puts the portrait down] Don't you just love it?
Elizabeth: No -- I hate it! In fact, I've just abolished it.
Edmund: I'm sorry...?
Elizabeth: I ought to block up the chimneys, burn all the crackers, and kill anyone I see carrying a present. [looks at the portrait]
Edmund: Oh. [lifts the portrait and prepares to leave]
Elizabeth: [points at portrait, speaks demandingly] What's that, Edmund?
Edmund: This? ... It's a window...
Elizabeth: A window?
Edmund: Yes, but you seem to have one here, so, sorry to disturb you...
Edmund: Well, so much for that. [punches the Queen's face in the portrait; his hand goes through the canvas and hits Baldrick's face. He then motions to Lord Melchett, who approaches] Ah, Melchett! Greetings! I trust that Christmas brings you its traditional mix of good food and violent stomach cramp.
Melchett: ...and compliments of the season to _you_, Blackadder. May the yuletide log slip from your fire and burn your house down.
Edmund: I'm glad I saw you -- I feel it only fair to warn you that the Queen has banned the Christmas, so I wouldn't get her a present this year.
Melchett: Oh, I'm indebted to you for that advice, Blackadder, and I shall, of course, follow it to the letter, the day I get my brain replaced by a cauliflower. [exits]
Edmund: [claps his hands once] Hah! Got him with my subtle plan!
Baldrick: [lowering the portrait finally] I can't see any subtle plan.
Edmund: Baldrick, you wouldn't see a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on top of a harpsichord, singing "Subtle Plans Are Here Again." It's what we call a double-bluff. Melchett will undoubtedly do the opposite of what I tell him, go and get an enormous present, give it to the Queen, and then [runs his finger across his neck and makes a quacky noise].
Baldrick: What, he'll turn into a duck?
Edmund: Yes... [walks off; Baldrick follows, with the portrait]
Nursie: Pity about this, Tinkywink. You always used to love this time of year.
Elizabeth: [turns round; she is fondling a Christmas pudding] I know -- leaving a little mince pie and a glass of wine out for Father Christmas, and then scoffing it because I was a princess and could do what I bloody well liked. [sits in throne]
Nursie: ...and wondering if your father's wife would last until Boxing Day without having her head cut off.
Elizabeth: We knew; if he gave her a hat, she'd probably be all right.
Nursie: Happy days...
Elizabeth: Yes... Maybe I was a little rash...
Elizabeth: Ah! Boys! Welcome back! [hands the pudding to Nursie] But, Melchett, what have you got under your coat?
Elizabeth: [demandingly] It's not a present, is it?
Melchett: A present, Majesty? but of course! [reveals a crown; mutters to Edmund] You're so painfully transparent, Blackadder.
Edmund: Am I...
Elizabeth: Oh, that's fab!!! I _love_ presents!
Elizabeth: [to Melchett] You know, for a moment I took against Christmas, but I'm completely dippy about it again. In fact, I'd like to marry you! ...if you weren't as unattractive as a giant slug!
Melchett: [laughing] Oh, pish, Majesty!
Elizabeth: But, anyway, to reward you, I'm going to give you _lots_ of presents! Um, fancy a castle?
Melchett: Well, Windsor, Majesty...
Elizabeth: ...title?
Melchett: Duke of Kent?
Elizabeth: ...anything else?
Melchett: Well, a devilish saucy wife would be fun.
Elizabeth: [thinks] Lady Jane Pottle!
Melchett: Oh, yummy!
Elizabeth: I think she's Blackadder's girl at the moment, but that doesn't matter, does it, Blacky...
Edmund: No, of course not, Ma'am... and perhaps Lord Melchett would like to whip me naked through the streets of Aberdeen...
Melchett: Oh, I don't think we need go that far, Blackadder...
Edmund: Oh, too kind...
Melchett: No -- Aylesbury's quite far enough.
Elizabeth: Super. Well done, Melchy. And, now, Blackadder, what have you got me?
Edmund: Erm...
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